Reinvestment fund - SystemsAccountants

Estimated reading time: 1 minute Reinvestment fund

Delivering time and cost savings through U4 Business World Resources

Founded over 30 years ago, Reinvestment Fund is a not-for-profit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), which has a mission to build wealth and opportunity for low-wealth people and places through the promotion of socially and environmentally responsible development.

The Challenge

Reinvestment Fund is a long-term user of Agresso (now known as Unit4 Business World), which has been live since 2011. An important element of the Agresso system is Project Billing and Costing (PCB), but over the years Reinvestment Fund lost the internal resources to maintain and run PCB; those who remained didn’t have the experience needed to support and develop the tool. As a result, the Finance department started using time consuming manual workarounds.

The Solution

The company turned to Unit4’s professional services team for help but they failed to provide the resource available in the timescale Reinvestment Fund required.

SystemsAccountants’ Business World consulting practice is North America’s only specialist organisation focused on delivering on-demand client-oriented solutions. The Finance department at Reinvestment Fund were looking for a fast-turnaround consulting solution to solve their short-term issue, but also to develop a relationship with a firm that could provide long-term support to their Business World solution.

The Outcome

  • Successful reimplementation of the project costing and billing process
  • Knowledge transfer to the client’s full-time staff and trained on PCB
  • Significant improvements in automation around invoicing, journal entry and workflow
  • A time saving of more than one day per month on the period close
  • A reduction in the time spent on reports from half a day to 20 minutes
  • Improvements on accuracy and efficiency
“Based on the responsiveness and quality of the consultants, I would have no hesitation in contacting SA before any other consulting firm in the Unit4 eco-system. I'm delighted with the results from this project. It's great for Unit4 customers that there are experts like SystemsAccountants out there”.

Reinvestment fund

See also